
LabTO is a news site that covers the local technology industry, scientific research, and creative use of technology going on in Toronto. We’re dedicated to finding out what’s interesting and innovative in Toronto’s tech culture, and we aim to make our coverage timely, rigorous, and thoughtful.

What We Cover

We write about topics that are either too geeky or specific for more mainstream publications. In a given week, we could have an article about a new wearables startup, a new engineering study from U of T researchers, and a feature on a Toronto developer who writes songs using her GameBoy.

We endeavor to cover the people, companies and issues that other Toronto news outlets and tech news sites are not covering, and which define Toronto as a unique tech community.

While the topics might involve complex ideas, the tone is welcoming to general readers. We use clear language and examples whenever possible, and topics are never dumbed down or simplified to the point in inaccuracy.

Our Audience

Clever writing, great photos and illustrations, and a focus on the individuals behind the developments will help LabTO appeal to an audience beyond the core tech enthusiasts.

LabTO is mainly geared towards a local audience, but the website also acts as a link for smaller cities in Ontario to know what’s happening in the region’s largest city, as well as a source of information for technology enthusiasts and professionals across Canada and internationally.

Filling a Local Niche

Silicon Valley has numerous blogs covering the local technology scene: SiliconAngle, Valleywag, and Silicon Beat to name just a few. Being one of the most active technology sectors in North America, Toronto needs a source for local tech news, and LabTO is exactly that.

Toronto is North America’s fourth largest city and has a unique technology culture. The Toronto area has more than 14,600 tech businesses which employ more than 159,000 people. This represents an enormous local audience.

Furthermore, as technology becomes increasingly present in our lives, many American technology news outlets don’t serve the real needs of Canadians, especially when it comes to government policy.

LabTO is able to provide the smart, on-the-ground reporting to show our emerging technological world. And we will constantly explore how technology in business and leisure contributes to the vibrant culture of Toronto, and the spirit of technology and innovation itself.


For any questions, inquiries or pitches, please email:

David Hamilton, Editor, LabTO

[email protected]

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