innovate • collaborate • create

VR Co-Op is an initiative to provide tools and resources for Toronto’s community of VR content creators. This includes VR workshops, co-working space, and customizable Google Cardboard headsets.

We want to help VR content creators in every step of their journey.

Join our mailing list for updates! 

We make VR a collaborative effort!

Share Ideas

It’s faster and easier to learn new technologies when working together with other people. We’re a group of like-minded individuals sharing our successful approaches and our mistakes.

Share Resources

We can’t do everything alone! VR Co-Op encourages members to share equipment, help each other with projects, and build our professional networks.

Share Workspace

Our cooperative enables you to work alongside other innovators, keeping you motivated and productive. Our shared office space gives VR Co-Op members an affordable place where they can work day and night .

Drop us a line!!

Have any questions? Interested in working with us? Anything else? Please send us a message!

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